Black & Veatch

As the Social Media Manager for Black & Veatch's Global Marketing and Communications (GMC) Department I develop and execute all strategies pertaining to growing and strengthening the company's global presence on social media for our numerous engineering and construction business lines.
I created and have grown our social media employee advocacy program to empower our employees to be brand ambassadors through LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. As a B2B company with over 10,000 employees my primary emphasis has been to leverage LinkedIn through targeted messaging and what I call "my social media army of advocates."
Given the reputation of being a historically dry, bland and highly technical industry, my approach to social media copy has been to inject some personality and zest (with a timely .gif or two because I just can't resist) while maintaining professionalism.
Within GMC I work directly with our PR, Creative and Events teams and together we are responsible for serving our internal business partners with a level of excellence that has made the demand for our services within the company at an all-time high.
By the Numbers
2017 = 1,000 new followers/month
2019 = 3,000+ new followers/month
Month-Over-Month LinkedIn Follower Growth
Annual Reports Downloads Via Social
Corporate Page
Employee Advocates